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An Innovative New Rotary Service Club

Interested in serving the Champaign-Urbana community in a fun and innovative way? 

Discover the Chambana Pub Club!

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Chambana Pub Club

Rotary District 6490 Hosts Kick-Off Event for the NexGen of Fun

Community & Social Engagement with a Purpose!


The Chambana “Pub Club” Rotary is a unique, innovative, contemporary, and more social approach to the traditional Rotary club. “Service above Self, demonstrated by more than 1.4 million Rotarians around the world—local residents, community leaders, friends, and neighbors—is and always will be the foundation of Rotary,” said Janet Ellis-Nelson, Rotary District 6490 Governor 2023-2024. “This is a new, exciting, innovative, and social way for Champaign-Urbana area residents to have a bit of fun while supporting people in our community.  Chambana Pub Club Rotary is definitely not your grandfather’s, nor your father’s, Rotary club,” added Ellis-Nelson.

Pub Clubs are based on the core values of every Rotary club—to be of service to neighbors in local communities through service projects, youth development initiatives, and volunteerism. However, Pub Clubbers bypass traditional weekly Rotary club meetings, speakers, and presentations while incorporating more social interaction in relaxed, fun, and sociable environments i.e., local pubs, restaurants, beer gardens, community events, etc. Pub Clubbers conduct Rotary club business, plan community outreach and service activities, build friendships, and get to know one another through social interaction.

“We’re looking for service-minded, action-oriented, sociable people who are not afraid of rolling up their sleeves and having a little fun while supporting our community,” said Dawn Coyne, one of the local residents organizing the Chambana Pub Club Rotary. “With a diverse, thriving, proud, and highly engaged community, Chambana is most definitely the right place, and we believe this is the right time, to launch Chambana Pub Club Rotary. In a growing community like ours, there is no shortage of need. However, we also have caring, active, and engaged residents, business owners, community leaders, volunteers, moms, dads, grandparents, and young people throughout our community who see opportunity and want to get involved in new, exciting, and innovative ways. Pub Clubs build on the core values, dedication, and commitment of traditional Rotary clubs with a twist. It’s a unique way for adults who want to support our community to do so, while expanding their social network in a more relaxed atmosphere, have some fun, and feel good about serving others along the way,” added Coyne.

Rotary District 6490 is hosting a Chambana Pub Club Rotary launch event on May 2, 2024, from 5:30-7pm, at Riggs Beer Company, 1901 S. High Cross Road, in Urbana. Beer, wine,  and snacks will be available. Rotarians from area clubs will also be on-site to provide more information about their clubs and answer questions about Rotary. Anyone interested in learning about Rotary is welcome and encouraged to attend. Reservations are requested but not required. Prospective members must be 21 years of age or older.


About Rotary:

Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.4 million members in more than 46,000 Rotary clubs in almost every country in the world. Their work improves the lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. Rotary clubs are also undertaking impactful environmental projects worldwide, with over US$23.7 million invested by the Rotary Foundation to this end. For more information, visit and

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